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Hawyard CA Irrigation Specialists Go Green!

Our Hayward CA Irrigation Specialists Suggest XeriscapingOur Hayward CA irrigation specialists know there are a number of ways you can make your lawn and garden more sustainable, and your landscape will be better for it. Why use toxic chemicals to treat your green grass and plants when there are excellent alternatives that are ecologically sound and healthier for use in your family's environment?

Feed the soil your grass cuttings.

By setting grass cuttings on the lawn, you will actually feed the soil beneath. You can store excess cuttings in a compost bin for later use.

If you're just starting out, use native grass seeds for your lawn.

Introducing non-native plant life to a yard always has its risks, and a non-native lawn can often be more trouble than its worth. Pick a grass that thrives naturally in our climate and won't require any unusual watering schedules or practices.

Our Hayward CA Irrigation Specialists Handle Large Scale InstallsReserve an edge of your lawn for native plant life.

Planting native plants, wildflowers, and trees on a specific area of your lawn will keep the attention of local wildlife away from the manicured areas of your landscape. It will also ensure that wildlife life can still enjoy "something of their own."

Research permagardening methods

Permagardening builds self-sustaining systems that are extremely eco-friendly. Our Hayward CA irrigation specialists suggest attracting "good insects" with plants like Marigolds, Queen's Lace, and Yarrow. Include a sustainable bird house, and you'll enjoy a reduction in undesirable insects. Visiting snails will reduce water algae. You won't have a problem with aphids if you can attract a nice population of lady bugs, and you can always buy a "starter set" of ladybugs from your favorite hardware store.

Our Hayward CA Irrigation Specialists Install New Systems

Invest in a good set of gardening tools

Everyone wins when you conserve energy. You don't need an electricity guzzler to mow your lawn when a manually operated machine is just as efficient and provides a good heart-healthy workout.

Collect rain water for use on your lawn

Water is a very precious resource. We should all be focusing on uses for gray water (lightly used water) and rainwater to avoid wasting it. Unfortunately, the laws for gray water collection and usage are not always friendly, and it's important to consult with one of our Hayward sprinkler repair techs before making any decisions. Call our Hayward CA irrigation specialists any time for a water usage audit and we'll be happy to help you review your irrigation options.